Just Write! Club

“Mystery Girl”


Marina Echaniz (2 ESO)

She was a new prisoner.  I´ve never looked at prisoners very much, but she was different.  She came from Skyrim, not from Oblivion, and apart from that she was different from most Argonians.  I had never seen one as amazing as she.

I was her warden.  I´m Argonian too, but Argonians haven´t got blue eyes.  In Oblivion, Argonians eyes are usually red, just like mine.  They can be green or white in Skyrim, but never blue.  This prisoner´s eyes were blue like her skin, but not as dark.  She stood head and shoulders taller than me, which made her a giant compared to most Argonians.I ask for her name.

“Kerna,” she replied.  Her voice was strong and calm, like she had never experienced fear in her life.

I asked more questions about her home, where she´d been, but she turned away and said nothing more.

After three and a half weeks, when it was again my turn in her block, I looked in her cell and she was gone.  I spied a crumpled bit of paper by the leg of her bed.  I opened it and read:

Goodbye Ivan


            How did she…?